Getting ready for your next outdoor display? Want to make it great? Outdoor displays are popular and fun, except when things go off the rails. Let’s keep this train on time and get you into the station! Here are a few of our favorite tips for great outdoor displays.Image Source: Monster Displays
Go get a weather report. It really helps to plan ahead. No, not just to think, “In May it gets kind of warm.” But to know how warm it can be. Did you know there’s actually an app for that now? Try AccuWeather to help get a long range forecast to help plan that upcoming event. While its not 100% accurate, its still pretty good. Another good resource is Old Farmer’s Almanac. Used by gardeners and outdoor lovers everywhere, its long range forecasts have been considered on-target overall. This book has been available for years, but you can also view 2 months of weather forecasts online here:
Be pessimistic & optimistic. We recommend a bit of both and hope that doesn’t confuse you. Hope for good weather but also plan for that possible rain shower or other inclement weather. You’ll be glad you have a backup. Even a very breezy day can make an outdoor event challenging if you are trying to hand out brochures and encourage people to try samples of your products. Make sure you have something to weigh down brochures so they don’t fly away. Have clear plastic to cover those delicious gluten free goodies so they wont get soaked in the rain. Just having the back up plan in your van may make you breathe a bit easier and enjoy the event even more!
Be generous with the SPF & bug spray. At first glance these seem to have nothing to do with people skills or sales techniques, but hear us out: if you are nursing a painful sunburn or are covered in itchy bug bites, it is going to be ten, no probably fifteen times more difficult to focus on promoting that great new product or service you are there to do. Another great benefit? Having SPF sunblock & bug spray is something you can share, you may meet the occasional customer who wished they had a little sunblock or bug spray, and they will be much more receptive to talking to you now that you have met one (or both) of their needs!
Stay hydrated. This is another favorite tip. For an outdoor event, keep drinking water. Whether your event is at the beach, at a marathon on a sunny day or another outdoor event, its important to stay hydrated. You’ll be burning lots of energy running around. You’ll probably be on your feet all day. Keeping your team hydrated is also very important to team spirit at any outdoor event. Actually a great promotional item to offer is small bottles of water with your company logo or slogan on them. They will be carried through the event!