Our world is getting hotter, fires are blazing through our forests, water is getting contaminated, and we are generating more waste than we know how to dispose of properly. In the 90s, we were told to reduce, reuse, recycle. But now the stakes are higher, technology is better, awareness is more widespread, and the situation has become dire. So many of us are concerned about our home and are trying to do more for it. Production drives consumption, but consumption also drives production and that is why our efforts have to come together. Individuals, businesses and governments have to change the way we do things, do it quickly and do it better.
This has been this company’s concern for some time now, and we have been making changes within the company to try to become part of the solution. Part of that is using recycled materials in our frames, stands, banner stands, podiums and other accessories you can use at your events, fairs, and trade shows. However, recycling is no longer enough. Another big part of our value proposition is to give you the best prices in the market without sacrificing and inch of our quality. Quality is another important factor in our fight for the planet. If we do not make and buy quality products, we are contributing to waste generation and to wasting valuable resources that could otherwise end up in a landfill.
So, we have great news. We are making changes, we are fighting the fight head on and innovating in marvelous ways to continue to contribute to changing the way companies do business. Before we tell you all about it, we also want to contribute with several ways you too can contribute with your everyday actions. In order to do so, we have to learn about all of the “R’s” which are now a lot more than 3.
Reuse – sharing is caring, so if you have something you do not need or want anymore, share it! Maybe somebody else can find another use for it or can use it again after it’s had its day in the sun with you. Also, maybe you can find another use for it if you are innovative and creative. Have you seen all the DIY projects with a single plastic bottle, for example?
Reduce – it is not only about thinking twice about printing that page or using less shampoo or water. We need to think about reducing our general use of materials and resources. Also, once we are done with something and we can’t apply any of the other R’s, we need to make our waste as small as humanly possible. Look into filling up plastic bottles with other plastic like wrappers, labels, small bags and anything that can fit into it. Remember to crush your garbage to make it smaller if you can’t find another use for it, so at least it takes up as little space as possible.
Refurbish – re-upholster that old chair and turn it into a modern beauty, have your old prom dress become a fun, summer dress, have that old pocket watch polished and tuned. A little love can go a long way and just adding a coat of paint can sometimes save a spectacular piece of furniture. Don’t give up on your old things, just spruce them up, and they’ll look good as new to have a second lifetime.
Recycle – close that loop. Turn that bottle into another bottle, take all your plastic to the recycling plant and you might even get something out of it. Break it down and turn it into another thing. Remake something out of other somethings.
Repair – let’s forget about disposables. Nothing should be disposable anymore. Let’s use everything as many times as it’ll hold and have anything fixed even if it costs the same as a new one. The planet will consume a lot let resources with a spare part that with a whole new object. Change that screen that costs as much as the phone, fix that blender because they don’t make them like they used to anyways. There are some specialized shops that will fix things for very low prices to contribute with stopping the disposable culture and give things a second chance.
Recover – save that device from grandma’s attic and upcycle!
Refuse – Stop it! You don’t need that! Don’t buy that! Stop hoarding things to leave them to rot somewhere. Stop buying just for the pleasure of it. Want the pleasure of shopping? Go buy some groceries for an underprivileged family. We guarantee it gives you a better high than another pair of sneakers you don’t really need.
Re-gift – maybe you don’t want it, but somebody else might. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure, so don’t throw it out just yet. Ask around, join a Facebook group to re-gift objects, ask your neighbor. Somebody might find a use for something you can live without.
Now that you know how to contribute personally, a promise is a promise. The big news is that we have been working on a new material that will blow your mind. This material will contribute to help reduce our carbon footprint in many ways. We are innovating to put our money where our mouth is. Best of all, we will not sacrifice quality. On the contrary, this new material will be better, not only in terms of eco-friendliness, but in terms of quality. We will be telling you all about it really soon. In the meantime, join us in making this world a better place in every way possible.