There is no doubt that some customers will brave the crowds on a Saturday in order to shop at Costco or BJ’s because of the free samples. And while they are grazing for gratis snacks, customers sometimes buy products because they like what they taste, like the price point, or like the product pitch. The free samples are product demonstrations that help spread brand awareness and increase sales. Warehouse stores know people have a hard time committing to a 3-pack of full-size pizzas or a 64-ounce tub of dip that they’ve never tried before. Providing free samples attracts shoppers and helps turn them into buyers. Some people will swoop in for their sample and keep walking, but others will stand near the portable counter and hear about the product’s unique selling points. The manufacturer representative gets to present the item, the customer gets to sample the item, and sales increase.
Not every product is as enticing as free food. But face-to-face demonstrations to potential customers should be a part of your marketing plan. Demoing your product at a local event, trade show, display marketplace, outdoor festival, or industry event can be simple to set up. And when you interact with customers in this way, you have a chance to make a lasting impression, answer their questions, and collect intelligence on which messages are meaningful and which do not resonate with potential customers.
Product demonstrations can:
- Increase brand awareness
- Boost sales
- Build customer loyalty
Increase Brand Awareness
Image Source: Monster DisplaysYour sales team has a lot of knowledge to impart, so instead of having them stand there holding a brochure or your product, have them using your product. You can attract eyeballs with an organized demo space within your trade show booth or area. A portable counter top puts your product front and center and provides a stable workspace for your team as they demo your product to passersby. Any demonstration should be near the front of your booth in order to attract people but make sure there is adequate space for them to stand and watch.
Boost Sales
As you attract watchers and participants, have other sales team members available to further your sales process. Within your demo space make sure you have an area where you can give customers individual attention to discuss pricing and close deals. A portable table or counter away from the demonstration area is recommended, along with chairs, especially if the transaction might take some time. The best counter is designed to be portable and easy to set up. Chairs should also be lightweight, though folding chairs are not recommended unless they are sturdy.
Build Customer Loyalty
No matter what you are demoing – your software, your stain remover, or your storage solution – your current customers have the opportunity to see new features and ask questions. An exhibit space that has room for potential customers and returning customers is important so you can service both groups. Creating an area for returning customers gives you a space to provide incentives directed at them or discuss customer service questions.
When doing face-to-face demonstrations make sure your sales team is interactive and engaging. Make sure the product is highly visible and any accompanying literature is accessible. And make you have your logo and custom graphics on your portable counter and banner stands. With a visually interesting area, you’ll be attracting more customer than the free samples at Costco!
This helpful marketing post provided by Monster Displays.